Up to 10 command stations or opto-coupled parallel interface may be connected to the Global Dimmer Controller. The stations allow the system wide preset cues recorded in the Merger-Boosters to be activated.
The presets are faded in or out with the fade times recorded in the Global Dimmer Controller
The stations are connected to the GDC ( STATION LINK 1 or 2 RJ45 connectors) via a high speed serial RS485 data link. The stations are also powered from the GDC.

Two station types are available:
8 key The 8 individual keys act on preset cues 1 to 8. All 8 key stations control the same presets in parallel. Each station key controls one preset.
4 key Each pair of keys (UP and DOWN) act on one of the preset cues 9 and 10. All 4 key stations control presets 9 and 10 in parallel.

(new feature)

Beside command stations, Global Dimmer Controller may be connected to a Programmable Logic Controllers through an opto-coupled parallel interface.

The opto-coupled parallel interface has 9 inputs and 9 outputs.

First 8 inputs act exactly like 8 key station, PLC may send commands for respectively activate or deactivate the virtual key corresponding to the input.
The last input allows to store a preset (1…8) into the Merger-Booster.

First 8 outputs send to the PLC state of the LED of each virtual key.
The last output return the state of the GDC (normal mode or reprogramming mode).

Combination using station commands and PLC through opto-coupled interface:
Up to 10 stations or opto-coupled interfaces may be connected to the Global Dimmer Controller

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